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Electronic Smoking Is Quickly Rising In PopularityViews: 195
Aug 04, 2011 5:02 amElectronic Smoking Is Quickly Rising In Popularity#

E-Cigs Zone
Visit http://www.ecigzone.tk

Electronic smoking is quickly rising in popularity and may change the way people smoke forever. Are you wondering if this is something that would benefit you or a loved one? Let's examine some of the many benefits of the electronic cigarette as a sensible and better alternative to "real" smoking.

5 Benefits of the Electronic Cigarette:

1. Health. The most dangerous aspect of smoking is the actual smoke and the associated tar, carcinogens and other chemicals that are inhaled into the lungs. With an e-cigarette nothing is actually lit, so there is no smoke, tar or carcinogens. The nicotine is vaporized into a mist that looks and feels like smoke, but isn't smoke. This is clearly a much better alternative.

2. Cost. The cost of the nicotine cartridges is where you really save a lot of money. An electronic cigarette nicotine cartridge is about the equivalent of 1-1.5 packs of tobacco cigarettes. A package of 5 cartridges will cost you around $15. This comes out to about $2-$3 per pack, this is a huge savings!

3. Convenience. You can smoke an e-cigarette almost anywhere because there is no smoke being emitted. You may get some funny looks if you suddenly start "vaping" in a restaurant or bar so you may want to get permission from management first. But technically you can do this in any public area because there is no second-hand smoke to be concerned with.

4. Smell. There is no lingering odor so no more worrying about stinky breath, hair, clothes, hands, etc. You won't be offending anyone with second hand smoke and no one can complain about the smell.

5. Peace of mind. You will have the peace of mind knowing that you're choosing an alternative way. True, you're still absorbing nicotine but at least you're avoiding the the incredibly dangerous smoke and 4,000 toxic chemicals associated with tobacco cigarettes.

A lot of people wonder if electronic smoking can help a person quit smoking altogether. There have not been enough clinical studies to prove this one way or another so this is still a debatable subject. However, other nicotine delivery alternatives like gum, patches, etc., are commonly used as a part of many stop-smoking approaches. Common sense would suggest that the electronic cigarette has the potential to do the same.

Visit http://www.ecigzone.tk

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